Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Students collect donations for local community service centers.

Accepting donations through Friday, April 8th:
  • canned fruits and veggies
  • 100% fruit juice
  • peanut butter
  • toiletries and cleaning supplies
  • cereal
  • cocoa and coffee
  • plastic silverware
Kate S. - "Please donate!  Thank you!"

You can view our videos at:

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Students investigating land pollution take a trip to the MWA landfill.

Payton - "This is where they fill the ground with all the trash."
Andrew - "This black liner protects the ground water."

Vicky - "This gross water is rain water that runs off the trash, and it it is called leachate."
Tiffany - "This is where the leachate gets cleaned and turned into water for plants."

Tiffany - "This is a methane pump that collects the methane for electricity."

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Students deliver gift bags to the cancer patients at Blank Children's Hospital.

"I feel really good helping the cancer patients, and the ladies who helped us were really nice.  I'm just really happy." - Maggie D.
"I feel like we helped somebody that needs helping.  Even though we didn't actually cure them, we kind of encouraged them to keep moving." - Sarah S.
"I feel good that we helped people feel better with the things that we got them, and I hope they feel happy." - Junie W.

Child life specialists happily receive the gift bags.
A lesson on the services provided at Blank Children's Hospital.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Students attend budget cut meeting Tuesday night.

"We learned that many people have different opinions about school budgets." - Brian G.
"The governor says to count on getting 0% allowable growth." - Ben H.
"Some people said we need to face that we aren't getting the 2% and we just have to manuever around it." - Greer S.
"The meeting was very emotional.  People felt very strongly about the situation."  - Kate Sh.
"If we don't get the 2% allowable growth our district will have a $7 million shortfall." - Brian G.

Students create posters and bookmarks to share information about their issues.

Child Abuse

Land Pollution

Students are hard at work exploring their issues.

Endangered Animals

Endangered Animals - Check out our webiste!

Land Pollution

Students collect supplies for the Animal Rescue League.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

5th graders pick up trash on Saturday.

What is the Exhibition?

The 5th graders have been exploring local issues with global significance as part of the IB Primary Years Program Exhibition.  Through research, interviews, and field experiences, students have developed new understandings and have taken action to impact those issues.  The issues explored include child abuse, child poverty, pollution, education, drug abuse, smoking, cancer, childhood obesity, endangered animals, animal abuse, and animal neglect.  The exploration of these issues has led to student-initiated actions including taking gifts to cancer patients at Blank Children’s Hospital, trash collection around Hubbell and Roosevelt High School, petitions for environmental and educational concerns, supplies for the Animal Rescue League, facilitation of a sports clinic, emails to the state legislature, posters, bookmarks, websites, and many more. 

When is the Exhibition?

Students will present their new learning and actions to the school community on Thursday, April 14th from 6:30-7:30 in the Hubbell gymnasium.  The public is invited to attend.