Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Students attend budget cut meeting Tuesday night.

"We learned that many people have different opinions about school budgets." - Brian G.
"The governor says to count on getting 0% allowable growth." - Ben H.
"Some people said we need to face that we aren't getting the 2% and we just have to manuever around it." - Greer S.
"The meeting was very emotional.  People felt very strongly about the situation."  - Kate Sh.
"If we don't get the 2% allowable growth our district will have a $7 million shortfall." - Brian G.

1 comment:

  1. Wow!! Now this is a group of students who were really paying attention. I really appreciate you all taking the time to come to the forum. With all the stress of the school budget, it's fun to see the great kids and families we are working for everyday!
    Keep up your great work.
    Patty Link
    School Board Member
    Des Moines
